How To Squirt Guide For Milfs


I love mature women. Want to know what I love even more than just your average mature lady? One that can make herself squirt like crazy! It’s such a turn on and I’ll almost always take a milf squirter over a non-squirter. Sure, it’s messy and there’s some cleanup involved but the sex is fantastic! That said, this article is for the mature women out there using my favorite sex site who don’t know how to squirt but want to learn!

There comes a time in every woman’s life that she has to learn how to make herself squirt. Trust me, women out there like Jenna Shea most definitely can squirt and they do it like professionals! If you’ve tried it, but been unable to make the waterworks flow, there are a few simple tips that you can follow. It doesn’t really take a whole lot to get yourself where you want to be, either. You just need to think about your body a little bit differently.

There are so many ways for the female body to experience pleasure that no one should ever have to ignore one of their abilities. It has the power to put you in control of the exact type of intensity and feeling that you want.

how to squirt

How To Squirt Milfs (Simple Steps To Follow)

The first thing that you want to consider is playing with a partner. You may know your body better than anyone else around, but you want to be able to focus. If you’re too busy trying to figure out what to do next, then you might lose the opportunity to squirt.

The best thing that you can do is simply lie back and enjoy all of the sensations that are coming your way. If you can hand yourself over to pleasure, you might be surprised at just how easy it is to get where you want to be.

Try While Banging

Next up is to try to squirt during sex. Once you learn how to do it, making it happen during actual intercourse is one of the most satisfying experiences you’ll ever feel. It’s going to take a while to get there, though. If you haven’t squirted yet, then you need to take things one step at a time.

Stimulate Like Never Before

You’re going to want all of your stimulation to come from fingers, toys, and mouths. This way, you’ll be able to focus exactly where you want to focus.

Some women need a lot of vaginal stimulation and others need a lot of clitoral. Which one you need is up to your body. It’s not better one way or the other. You just need to focus on where the pleasure is the best and ride it all of the way to an orgasm.

Lean w/it Rock w/it

When you finally get close, you’re going to want to lean into it. It will feel like you are about to urinate. You’re not, though. You’re simply about to squirt. It might help if you push as well. It will force the liquid to start to gush and bring your nerve endings right to the edge of stimulation.

If it feels weird at first, don’t worry about it. This is where you want to be and it’s what you’ve been looking for. The more you squirt, the better it will feel. The sensations will heighten each time you get yourself to the edge.

Conclusion: Squirting Is The Best, Practice To Make It Happen!

There are a lot of women out there who can squirt and you’re almost certainly one of them. All you have to do is let your body go. Follow the pleasure and don’t hold yourself. It knows where it needs to go and it wants you to come along for the ride.

Six Reasons To Avoid Escort Review Sites


If you hear your buddies talking about escort review sites, I want you to completely block them out. I get it, you’re anxious to hook up with local milfs and you’re willing to pay for it. However, I’m telling you that you should most definitely NOT pay any escorts and therefore you should also stay away from escort review websites. Please trust me on this. Read what I’ve got to say and take the appropriate action accordingly.

avoid escort review sites at all costs

Avoid Escort Review Websites For All The Reasons Below

I typically don’t mess around and get straight down to business. Since I believe in keeping things simple that’s exactly what I’m going to do today. I’ve got a list of reasons why you should not rely on sites that publish reviews of escorts. There are plenty more reasons but I’ve stuck to these main reasons here…

Most Aren’t Legit

You heard that 100% correctly. Most of these escort review sites are not legit at all. In fact, they’re nothing but sites with a bunch of unverified information. It’s very difficult to confirm the legitimacy of any of these escort reviews.

Think about it, most are free to use and with “free” often comes scammers.

Your Data Isn’t Safe

Assuming that you come across one of the review sites that charge consumers for using the site, then you need to realize that your data is not safe. Sure, it might be encrypted, but if the site gets shut down, seized or raided, then you better believe that any law enforcement agencies will have your name and information on file.

Should you be worried? HELL YES, BE VERY WORRIED. You have no idea what they are going to do with this information. So, instead of connecting with milf escorts, you end up getting a knock on your door from some police officer. All because you paid for access to hooker reviews.

No Proof They’re Real Girls

Some of these reviews listed are not even real girls that are being reviewed. I’m dead serious. There have been occasions where people comb these escort review sites and they end up relying on some stellar review of a mature escort only to be let down when they realize it’s someone trying to rob them blind, not have sex for money.

Risk Of Diseases

Your risk of catching a disease increases tenfold when you use an escort review site. Think about it, if 8,000 guys are reviewing a girl, that means she’s slept with all of them. If she’s allowing them to go in raw then you better believe that she has diseases, even deadly ones.

They Aren’t Exactly Legal

Sure, freedom of speech exists but admitting that you’re partaking in illegal activity is just foolish. Hiring women to have sex with you in exchange for money is completely illegal. That said, I think you’re a fool if you admit to doing any of that and even more of a fool if you do it, period.

They Want Money

The escort review sites exist because they want to make money. They are not here to help you out or just make your life easier. There’s always financial gain involved and if you do believe me, then you’re in denial. You think these sites are posting reviews for their health? Hahaha, Don’t be a sheep!


The bottom line is quite simple, avoid any and all escort review websites. There are plenty more reasons to avoid sites like Erotic Monkey and The Erotic Review and many other sites. Whatever you do, just take my advice based on the info above and steer clear of all of them.

Want to meet with an escort still? Then you better go with a high-end girl like Jenna Shea. However, if you just want to bang some local loose milf, then join a casual dating site – perhaps this.

Are Milf Escorts On Backpage Worth It?


I get asked this question a lot by most of the people that email me. They constantly send emails asking what I think about Backpage and the women that parade themselves on the site. Listen, if you’re looking for advice on how to hire a milf escort, then you’re barking up the wrong tree. Sure, I am in love with the one and only Jenna Shea, but she’s at a whole other level, really.

I’ll be the first to tell you that milfs on Backpage are 100% not worth your time and effort. Not even the slightest bit, seriously.

You’re probably scratching your head wondering why on earth I’m reporting it like this but it’s the honest truth. There’s nothing but trouble to be had and no fun on Backpage. I’ll cover all the reasons why I feel that these mature escorts are a huge headache and pain, nothing more.

milf backpage escorts

Reasons Milf Escorts Posting On Backpage Are Not Worth It

Rather than waste your time, I’ll go over some of the many reasons you must avoid milfs on this classified personals ad. There are lots of reasons that you’ll want to avoid this site but those discussed below are perhaps the most important.

Not Actually Milfs

Most of the milfs on are far from what they call themselves. In fact, some of them are using fake photos just to lure men in. So, when you see some hot Playboy model in an ad, chances are she’s not even close to that. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if she were 30 to 40 pounds heavier than the photo posted.

Legal Issues

There is risk involved here and when using an escort site. It’s illegal and chances of you getting caught hiring some mature woman to have sex for money is high. In fact, it’s way too high if you ask me. Many of the ads you’ll come across are posted by law enforcement officers trying to entice you to take action. They want to catch you trying to pay for sex and rightfully so because it’s illegal.


In the event that you do end up meeting some hot and horny milf, there’s a good chance that she will have a bunch of sexually transmitted diseases. In fact, she may be HIV positive which can lead to you possibly contracting the virus. The bottom line is that these escorts put themselves at high risk of catching STDs and it’s all due to the number of unprotected sex partners that they have.

Wallet Stolen

Believe it or not, you may find yourself in a situation where you’re about to get robbed. It’s happened before and does so on a regular basis to users of the site. I’ve heard horror stories of men getting robbed at gunpoint and having their watches and money stolen. Make no mistake about it, you’re going to find yourself in a bad position for sure.

Drugs Are Bad

Some of these milfs are certified drug addicts shooting dope and turning tricks to support their habits. If you mess with a drug-induced woman, she might snap and hurt herself or you. Best to now put yourself in that position, really.

These are just some of the main reasons why I avoid hooking up with milfs on Backpage. Actually, I should rephrase that, it’s why I avoid hiring milfs posting on There’s no reason to use escort sites when all these consensual adult dating networks exist today.

Use your head, just join this instead.

Dick In A Box Is The Best Christmas Gift Ever!


Not too long ago I wrote about Black Friday and meeting milfs while shopping. Well, if you’re still frantically wondering what to get someone that you’re just starting to date, chances are that store clerk isn’t going to be that helpful. Good news for you is that I’ve got the perfect gift that will without a doubt help you get laid faster than you can imagine. I’m talking about the good old dick in a box present!

dick in a box for milfs

Dick In A Box (Christmas Gift, History, Strategy)

There is some wonderful history behind the infamous dick in a box and many don’t know where it came from. It spawned from a funny Saturday Night Live episode around the holiday season. Most people out there laughed and moved on with their lives.

I decided to do something different…I took action.

I wanted to learn anything and everything behind the science of this fantastic gift exchange. It felt like getting struck by lightning. That instant spark that hit me like a front-end loader made me realize one thing! I need to give my dick in a box to as many milfs out there this holiday season as possible.

So, I did just that!

I set out to deliver my dick in a box to any milf interested in receiving a big gift that would make them scream with pleasure. I was able to successfully deliver my dick in a box to more than enough mature ladies this year.

If you ask me, it was all in the approach that I took. It got me style points for sure and the way that I see it, most milfs are looking for dick and nothing more.

Honestly, it couldn’t be any more of a win-win if I’ve ever seen one.

What you need to understand is that even though this is by far the most excellent gift exchange idea on the planet, I want you to know that you need to put in some work to make things happen for you. That means logging into Milfplay and messaging women in your local area to set up a date night out.

I always let them know that I’ve got something very nice planned for the night out and I’ll be coming with gifts, lol.

As for other gifts that I often choose to shower my favorite older women with, here’s a list that of my other go-to gifts:

Sexy Lingerie

Expensive Champagne

Pearls and Diamonds

Concert Tickets

and that’s just to name a few. Trust me, there are a lot more ideas out there that you can consider.

If you’re still not sure what to get any of the women in your life today, then you can always take them out to a nice dinner and rent a hotel for the night. That always goes over very well. In fact, I can’t tell you just how amazing your night can be if you put forth the time and effort to show this woman a good time.

I’ve never been disappointed with the results of putting forth the effort to please a milf from There’s a reason why they use it and why you should be using it this holiday season!

Facebook Dating: Finding Milfs Locally Via FBook


I normally stay away from this and don’t partake in the Facebook dating nonsense. However, some people out there like to use FB for more than just posting kitten pics and selfies with their dogs. Instead, they use it to get laid.

Is it a good method? IMO, not necessarily. But it works for some people. If you’re going to use Facebook to meet mature women, then you need to know a few things about the site. I’ve been known to stay far away from this site for one reason alone. I just don’t like people knowing I date older women. Why? Well, it can be a real hassle and I get some guff from friends teasing me about it from time to time.

At any rate, if you’re looking to connect with some hot local milfs on Facebook, then you’ve got to play by the rules. Here is what you need to know about doing it.

Facebook Dating 101

Facebook Dating (Meeting Milfs 101) [How To Find Milfs On Facebook]

I’ve royally screwed up in the past and it’s happened on numerous occasions in the past. For that reason alone, I’ve learned my lesson. If you’re looking to connect with someone and hook up using fbook, then this is what you need to consider.


The first thing you want to do is try and find someone that lives close to you. I’m talking about someone within a 10-15 mile radius of you and the location on your fb profile.

If you’re not using the geolocation search function on Facebook to your advantage, then you’re already at a loss. Be sure to keep the connections close. No sense in meeting some milf 200 miles away from you as that’s not going to get you laid.


You’ve got to play it cool with your approach. Remember that you are using a social networking site that allows you to connect with people but not all people are looking to have sex with you.

If you approach some married woman not looking for sex, then you will find yourself banned from the site or even worse, perhaps beat up with a black eye from their husband.

So take a low-key approach just trying to get to know these horny milfs. Remember, this isn’t like Tumblr, where you can post or say anything explicit that your little heart desires.

Meet Up Spot

If you end up connecting and hitting it off with a milf from Facebook, then you will want to select a decent meetup spot that’s going to allow you to both let loose.

I typically prefer meeting in a hotel bar or restaurant. This makes it much easier to seal the deal. Yes, it’s pricey but if you’re that dead set on banging then it’s the only way to go.

Remain Anonymous

Never spill your entire life story on these mature women. Remember, they aren’t here to hang out and meet someone to play psychologist.

Instead, they’re trying to hook up with a young stud that’s got his shit together. So, be sure to play that card the right way.

Never Talk About It

Once you’ve successfully nailed one of the older ladies that you are friends with on Facebook, end it there and never talk about it ever again.

If you talk about it, you’ll be sorry for sure because people will find out. This will blow up your spot and you’ll lose all chances of hooking up moving forward, trust me.


That’s basically the rundown of things you need to know if you want to bang hot mature milfs on Facebook. Like I said, Facebook dating isn’t my thing anymore since I use MP, but it does work to a certain extent.

My Cougar Life Review And Why I Don’t Use This Site


I’m not going to sugarcoat anything at all here. Reason being, I know just how precious and limited your time is. Trust me, I’ve got zero time for games and neither do you. That’s why I’m calling out Cougar Life in this exclusive investigation and site review today.

There is a pretty good chance that you’ve either heard of, have joined it, or have contemplated using it at one point or another. In the event that you’ve opted to pass on Cougar Life completely, then consider yourself one of the lucky ones.

One thing you need to know about this website is that the company was in a huge legal battle not too long ago. They are connected with, the cheating website that claims to help connect you with millions of people having affairs. Well, when that data leaked, the real user data was made public and it showed just how fake the site was. The number of real female users on the site weren’t close to what they had previously claimed. You can expect to be no different. Here’s what I know about this so-called cougar dating website.

Cougar Life Review

Personal Website Investigation (Full Review)

The Cougar Life website was started in 2008 and it was previously owned by a company named Avid Life Media. The company has since rebranded itself I imagine due to the legal issues that they’ve had over the years. The company that owns this website is known Ruby Life Media.

I’ve got a real problem with a mature dating website that has so many red flags posted around the Internet. For those that take the time to actually read reviews posted elsewhere, you know just how much negative press this company has gotten in the past.

Take a look at the screenshots below and you’ll understand exactly what I mean by that. For example, the reveals the fact that you must spend money to get anywhere with this site. If you read popular forums like you’ll see young guys mentioning how much of a scam the site is.

bodybuilding cougarlife scam

There are other sites out there such as which lists out all the flirt messages received without being able to read or respond and people’s money being taken and not refunded.


Then there is the infamous which showcases millions of reports from people all over the world. They’ve got a page dedicated to Cougar Life giving it a whopping 2.5 star rating.

Cougarlife Sitejabber Review

By the sounds of it, it’s a big waste of time and I’m going to go ahead and agree with them here too.

Anyway, so here’s what I learned about myself when joining. The site will not get you laid, that much I can guarantee. When I joined, I had expected to be able to chat and message a bunch of horny local cougars in my neighborhood looking to hookup. However, what I got was constant reminders to upgrade my membership to premium status in order to communicate with users.

Once I went ahead and upgraded my membership, I was then able to communicate with other users. However, doing so did absolutely nothing for me. In fact, I had the same experiences that many of the people shared in the reviews previously mentioned. I thought for sure that I would eventually meet some horny milf looking to have sex but nope, it never happened. As much as some folks like, I can’t for the life of me understand why anyone would waste time using it.

If you want to meet some cougars then you need to use one site that’s better than all the rest. I use this site right here daily and I continue to get laid by mature women without fail. If you want the same results then I suggest you do the same.

Seeking Milf Review: These Online Cupids Really Piss Me Off!


Like me, I am pretty positive that you’re seeking milfs on a daily basis online. Am I right? Of course, I am! That’s why when I came across the website I knew it was without a doubt something I’d be interested in. Now, just because I was interested in something doesn’t mean that it worked. In fact, being the dirty dude that I am, I’ve tried lots of bad mature dating sites that just don’t seem to work. I have even stooped as low as hitting up Backpage to meet older women in my city. I’m definitely not proud of that!

Anyway, my point is quite simple. After dealing with so many shoddy and shady networks, I make it a point to investigate every single site that I come across these days. Which is why Seeking Milf was on my radar. So, what I did was become a member and gave it a shot. Here’s everything that I learned while doing so.

Seeking Milf Review

I Joined Seeking Milf And It Was Horrible (Review Below)

The first thing I’d like to do is give you a quick overview of what I experienced using the Seekingmilf website. Once I was registered and logged into the site, it seemed increasingly difficult to meet real mature women.

I’m not sure if it was the lack of features that the site had or some other factor. Whatever, all I know was that it wasn’t cheap. I ended up spending about $70 for a 3-month membership that I eventually ended up calling customer support to get a full refund. After threatening to call my bank, they agreed to give me back my money. There’s nothing worse than spending your money on something and getting a faulty product or service.

Point blank – It sucks!

Anyway, back to the review and what I learned. As far as features are concerned, the site doesn’t off much. Regardless of whether or not you’re a paid member or a free user, it’s just not that appealing. You get the basics such as being able to see who’s online, find new members, watch live cam shows, chat live with paid cam models, and watch porn videos on the site. Yawn….

What Really Pissed Me Off The Most!

Here’s what really pissed me off most about the site. Every site that I’ve had a bad experience on has admitted to having fake users on the site. Sure enough, Seeking Milf has “Online Cupids” on the website. These are fake profiles which look like real women.

However, you cannot and will not ever meet any of these women because they simply do not exist. The thought of coming across a fake dating profile makes my blood boil!

The real kicker here is that majority of these women are all fake on the site. Trust me on this, if you decide to use the site and become a member, you’ll have a hard time getting laid. I’ve never been able to successfully hook up using any site that incorporates the use of fake profiles, simple as that really.

What About Contacting The Site?

If you want to contact the website, then you need to reach out to them via phone or email. Trying to send snail mail to the Cyprus email address isn’t going to get you anywhere at all. Assuming you’re interested in calling them, then here’s the number you need to call: 1-888-649-9178. If you want to email support, then just send an email to and they’ll be able to help you there. As a last resort, you can fill our their customer support form here.

Lastly, I want you to understand that what they are doing is not illegal at all. The reason I say this is because they have disclosed everything in their terms and conditions to cover their asses legally.

The bottom line is clear as crystal. Do not waste your time using the Seeking Milf website. It’s the worst site ever!

How To Chat With Milfs Using Whatsapp


I’ve been known to score with a lot of local milfs over the years. For the most part, I do so using the best milf dating network, but on few occasions, I do use Whatsapp. I’m going to share some pointers with you that might help improve your chances of hooking up in person with a milf you meet on this social media platform.

whatsapp milf dating tips

Using Whatsapp To Chat With Milfs

Using the Whatsapp platform to connect with mature women is tricky but not impossible. One thing you need to know is that you cannot just come out and start talking dirty to these women via the platform. Reason being, it’s an open platform and not one that you can use to aggressively approach women. The good news is that I’m going to share some things that you need to know about the platform and using it to connect with mature women. Here are some strategic moves to remember.

Be Strategic About It

One thing you need to know is that you need to be strategic about this whole process. If you really want to seriously connect with women on this app, then you need to have some sort of strategy to do so. The best thing that I suggest doing is having a defined strategy ready to play out. I also suggest that you play this out in your head how you think things are going to happen.

Make The Woman Smile With Joy

When using Whatsapp, you’ll want to put forth best efforts to make the woman that you’re chatting with a smile. Tell her a few jokes via text, maybe send a video to the mature lady if you’re brave enough to do so. Assuming she responds nicely positively to it, then you know you’re on the right track. One thing you want to refrain from doing though is being too immature about things.

Flirt With Them

If you want to make progress with some of these mature women on Whatsapp, then you need to flirt with them. Keep the conversation to light flirting, making her feel good about herself. It’s extremely helpful for you to connect with women and let them know that you’re using a specific dating network if you’re doing so.

Don’t Beg

Under no circumstances should you beg for anything or make yourself look desperate for any reason at all. Begging doesn’t impress any girl or woman. In fact, it makes you look too easy and a sure thing. That type of look never helped anyone.

Be Confident

Instead of begging, you need to be confident when using Whatsapp. Confidence is a trait that many mature women get turned on by, especially in younger men. I’ve done just about everything you can think of on Whatsapp in order to prove my confidence to the women. You must remain confident if you want to get lucky, simple as that.

Short And Sweet

Women look at long texts as being psychotic. Be sure to keep your texts short and to the point. Make sure you have an objective when it comes to the whatsapp messages that you’re sending. Do not kick things off with a novel. Keep them short, direct, and a bit mysterious to keep the conversation going.

Make Yourself Available

You’ve got to be sure to make yourself available to meet with the milf you’re chatting with. Be sure to find out if she’s local and if she is using any casual dating networks so you can learn more about her before meeting in person. If she is, then join that site or ask her to join the one you use to connect and video chat before meeting in person.

These Whatsapp chat tips can help you better score with women in your local area. Take the advice I’ve shared to heart and make the adjustments and moves necessary to hook up with more milfs.

If you’re not into Whatsapp then you might wish to join some other networks or platforms to meet milfs. Read this reviews before joining them:

milfcheaters review

milfaholic review

What Women Think About Man Grooming aka Manscaping Today


If you’re dating a cougar or a more mature lady, then you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the art of grooming. The popularity of “man grooming” or “manscaping” has risen drastically over the last few years. To be blunt, a hairless set of genitals is more common than it has ever been. I’ll be honest and say that I’ve done it myself on many occasions. Some milfs (especially those on this site) that I’ve been with actually have requested it in the past.

tips for man grooming

Man Grooming Breakdown For Guys Dating Mature Women

A lot of men contemplate whether they should shave or wax it all off, trim it, or just let it grow wild. The first thing you should know is that not all women are going to universally like one thing. Opinions vary, but most women seem to prefer a trim, but not completely bald. I have discussed it with a lot of women over the years and I have heard a myriad of responses.

Bare Is Better

Many women like a man to be completely bare down there. They think that a bush is gross and they don’t think they should have to shave their privates if you don’t shave yours. Even if they prefer a little hair, they don’t mind it being bare down there or on your chest.

They just don’t want a forest that they must wade through to go down on you. If these women go down on you and realize that they have to sort through a bushel of hair to find what they went down there to find, they may hesitate before going down there again.

Going Down w/ A Bush

If these women go down on you and realize that they have to sort through a bushel of hair to find what they went down there to find, they may hesitate before going down there again.

I have talked to a lot of women who don’t really care whether it’s bald or furry down there. Their main concern is that you are clean and free of smells. If you realize that your hair is trapping smell, you need to either change your washing habits or keep it trimmed enough to be free of smell.

Super Smooth Might Not Be Best

Most mature women like varying degrees of hairiness in a man’s genital area, but a lot of them are completely turned off by them being smooth and hairless.

They don’t like trying to go down on you when you have a full bush, but it feels like they are in bed with a youngster if it’s completely bare. They are happy with it being pretty much anywhere in between.

Maybe Your Blessed

Some guys naturally have less hair on their chest and genitals. These men are lucky and it’s probably a good idea to leave it natural because you are less likely to turn off a woman. If you are overly hairy, your best bet is to trim it. There are women out there who love full, bushy, and natural guys, but they aren’t as common as they used to be.

Wrapping Things Up

In the event that you’re trying to meet some older women online, my advice would be to let them know whether or not you’re packing a full bush or nicely groomed area downstairs. Write it right on your online profile, loud and clear. Some women may really appreciate that if you do. No beating around the bush is the name of the game, pun intended!