How To Stay Awake After Partying All Night With A Milf


Newsflash, milfs like to party all night and some do it quite often. I learned this the hard way when partying with some woman I met on the Internet. Whether you’re in college, or you have a job and responsibilities and still want to party, you know what it’s like to try to take care of business when you are attempting to function with no sleep after being up all night. It’s a tough thing to accomplish. Of course, you should know that it is not the healthiest way to live, but sometimes it is unavoidable. That holds true especially if you live in a party city such as San Diego (like me), Vegas or New York.

Stay Awake After Partying All Night

No one wants to be the one who stops the party because they have to get to bed early. Sometimes it’s necessary to stay up all night to get something done. As you get older, it gets even more difficult to pull an all-nighter and function the next day, but it’s not impossible.

After a long night of partying or working on an important project, you don’t realize how tired you are at first. You are still on a high from the night before or feel a sense of pride for completing a seemingly impossible task. When the lack of sleep finally hits you, you might find it difficult to function. Here are some things that can help you function the day after without dragging to the point where you work or responsibilities suffer.

  • Splash some water on your face – This is probably the most common method of staying awake and alert. Make sure the water is cold and it will give you a valuable shock to your system. A cold shower is ideal.
  • Stay hydrated – Water is also important to drink. You should drink a lot of water whether you pulled an all-nighter or not. Staying hydrated will help your overall health and help you maintain your energy level.
  • The life-saving nectar that is Coffee – This is another common way of staying awake. Giving yourself a jolt of caffeine is fast acting and satisfying. Don’t drink it too fast though or you risk a crash and you’ll be worse.
  • Walk around for a bit – Give yourself a few minutes and take a walk. This will get your heart pumping and blood flowing. It also helps you gather your thoughts before you continue your day. If you dare, you can try and get a light workout in maybe.
  • Vitamin consumption – This is also something that is more effective if you do it regularly. Foods high in vitamins will help energize your body if you feel tired and promote overall health making it easier for you to function on no sleep.
  • Downtime will put you down – Don’t let yourself relax too much or your body will want to shut down and sleep. Keep your body and your mind occupied and you will be less likely to lose energy and become fatigued.
  • Make your surroundings stimulating – There are a few ways you can do this. Make sure the air is circulating around you whether it be an AC or even a portable fan. The colder the better. Turn the lights on or open the curtains or blinds and let some light in. It is also effective to put on some music as long as it is high energy.

All of these things can really help you stay awake for the most part if you’ve been partying with a hot milf all night. Don’t you dare think about canceling because you don’t want to deal with the consequences, I’d instead suggest taking my advice and having a good time while out with a mature woman.

How To Successfully Date Cougars (Updated In 2022)


I love to date cougars and I’m going to tell you how to date them like a pro. Now that I’ve told you exactly what this article is about, let me dive right in here! If the drama and inexperience that comes with dating women your age is a bit much for you, you might benefit from setting your sights on a Cougar. In case you are unclear on exactly what a Cougar is, it’s a woman in her late 30’s, 40’s, or 50’s who is still very sexy with a nice body and the experience that a lot of younger men crave. If you are considering dating one of these lovely ladies, you could benefit from knowing as much about them as possible and have a clearer understanding of why they appeal to you.

Dating Cougars

If you have dated younger women, you know that they tend to come with a lot of drama because they haven’t matured yet. They play a lot of games while trying to figure out what they want out of a relationship. Cougars have grown tired of those games. Younger men love the idea of a relationship free of immature games and crave the sexual experience that gives Cougars the tools to satisfy them sexually.

What is it about younger men that makes Cougars desire them?  You’re going to find out if you spend enough time browsing my website or if you decide to join my favorite dating site.

To successfully date a cougar, it helps to know why they desire younger men. It’s simple. Men lose their testosterone as they age and a loss of testosterone comes with a loss of energy, muscle mass, and can result in a less than stellar performance in the bedroom.

Younger men represent a more virile and sexually satisfying male specimen who has not yet been hardened by age and emotional baggage. Young men dating Cougars. The good and the bad.

The Good: They have the sexual experience that has caused them to let go of their inhibitions and an overall maturity that means less maintenance than women their age. They are more likely to know what they want and they don’t need to play around with emotional games trying to figure it out.

The Bad: Many cougars are not a good prospect for a long relationship because they are not as likely to want kids. Also, the advantage of having a woman who doesn’t play games can also be a disadvantage because she’s not going to be willing to play your games either and she is very good at recognizing them.
Cougars dating young men. The good and the bad.

The Good: A lot of younger men these days are more liberal and they don’t believe that they are the boss like previous generations. They have a more open mind and are more likely to let the woman take the lead emotionally and in the bedroom, or at least consider themselves equal.

The Bad: Just as maturity is attractive to younger men, immaturity can be a turn-off for a Cougar. Also, an older woman may feel uncomfortable around a young man’s family and friends who may look down on her because she is dating him. If an older woman has kids, they are not likely to approve of him either.

Well, that’s all you need to know if you want to date cougars like a champion! I promise if you put in the right work and effort, you’ll be getting laid in no time.

Tips For Meeting Milfs In Las Vegas


I recently spent time in Las Vegas for some fun with my buddies. Doing so, I actually learned a great deal about how to pick up milfs on the Vegas strip. It happened to be one of the best times I’ve ever had and I believe it is all due to the success I had meeting these horny women.

Tips for meeting milfs in Las Vegas

See, one thing you need to realize about Las Vegas is that milfs, housewives, hot moms, single mature women, they all go to Vegas to have fun. Most of the time they have that crazy mentality where they just don’t give a flying fuck about what goes down there. In fact, the saying, “What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas” is pretty much spot on! #TRUTH

If you’re looking to meet mature women in Las Vegas, then I’m going to give you a few pointers right now.

First thing you need to realize is that these horny cougars hang around high-end bars at hotels. You’re going to want to hang around places like the Aria, Cosmo, and even the Wynn or Bellagio. The reason I suggest this is due to the fact that most of these women have a little bit of extra money and they’re willing to spend it. Therefore, they stay at high end hotels to accomplish just that.

The next thing you need to understand is that it’s totally okay for you to offer them a drink. Do not be shy at all while in Vegas. It’s the one time you can come out of your shell and connect with people. If you see a lonely milf hanging at the bar, send a drink her way without hesitation.

You’ll want to hit the nightclubs too. I know it sounds like a place that wouldn’t have milfs hanging out in but they’re in the club. Don’t be afraid to buy a bottle and ask a few hot women if they want to join your table. This is what I did and it worked quite well.

Last but not least, you need to use a hookup app to scan to club or hotel for leads. I always turn this app on before heading into the clubs in Vegas. Doing so almost always gets me laid more often than not. It gives you an edge that others not using it don’t have and it puts you out there more.

Trust me, if I can get laid there, so can you!

How To Last In Bed Without Pills


Did you know that most men have problems ejaculating too early? It’s so true and that’s actually why milfs enjoy having sex with younger guys. Most of them can last longer in bed without coming. The people that can’t help ejaculating early obviously haven’t tried everything. They may have tried pills but that’s just one possible solution. I’ve better options for those that don’t want to take pills. Last a long time in bed with a mature woman and she’ll want more sex from you, I promise that much! Check out these tips.

Last in bed without pills

Last In Bed (Without Pills) By Doing These Things

Here are simple steps that you need to take to last longer in bed. Don’t be afraid, just give them a try and let me know if you have any questions.

Urinate First

Before having sex, you’ll want to go to the bathroom. Make sure you pee before penetrating the woman you’re on a date with. I always make it a point to use the restroom before getting intimate with a woman. It definitely helps!


You’ll want to incorporate lots of foreplay into your intimate encounter. The milf you’re hooking up with may even orgasm during foreplay and then you’ll be more confident moving forward with things. Lick her pussy, make her cum and she’ll love you forever.


Since you’re dating some strange woman that you’ve just met, I suggest you wear a condom anyway. Condoms can help decrease the sensation and it typically makes you last in bed.

Focus On Her

You’ll want to focus on that mature woman in your hotel bed. Spend almost no time focusing on yourself. That’s just going to ruin your night for good. Focusing on pleasing a woman can help drastically reduce the amount of anxiety and pressure that you’re putting on yourself. It shifts the focus onto her versus you.

Stay In The Zone

Get your head in the game and stay in the zone if you want to be successful. I can almost guarantee that once you’re in the zone, you will feel so much better and the pressure of performing will be lifted.

These are by far the easiest “pill free” forms of avoiding premature ejaculation. I strongly suggest that you try these tactics out next time you’re with a hot milf on a sex date. Oh, I’d like to add one other thing to the list. It’s complimentary I guess. You better be working out every single day if you want to be able to fuck like a champ. I find that going to the gym helps with stamina and lasting longer in bed. Chances are you’ll have the same results.

Ten Unique Dating Spots That Don’t Actually Suck!


I’ve been with a ton of beautiful mature women throughout the years. Getting them to want to bang isn’t all that difficult. You’ve simply got to take them to the right date spot! If you want to impress a date, it is crucial that you avoid taking them to spots that suck. For example, don’t take some hot mom you met online to your friend’s garage to smoke weed. That might be a possibility later, but not a good choice if you are in the “getting to know you” process. Some dating ideas that seem like they suck, can become great if you plan them right. It’s all about preparation. That’s why I’ve put together a list of excellent (and rather unique) dating ideas. Some of the spots are obvious but others will take a little creativity to make them cool. Check out these dating spots and make an informed decision that will take your relationship to the next level. Worst case, you impress her and get to bang once. Not a bad deal if you ask me! Actually, before I get into things, I did share somee other places you can go. You can check them out right here.

dating spots that are hot af

Super Dating Spots That Don’t Suck!

Here are a few amazingly unique dating hot spots that I take women too on a regular basis. Trust me, it’s better than hitting the dive bar down the road.

Comedy Club

I love comedy shows and it’s a great icebreaker date to ease the tension. They say that laughter is the best medicine, but it can also be an effective aphrodisiac. Take your date to a comedy show and laugh the night away.


These spots are not as common as they used to be, so many of the ones that are left are cool little hangout spots that sell interesting used books and more. You can also have time to get to know each other and show them how smart you are. I tend to hit a Barnes and Noble or Books A Million by me where there are Starbucks shops inside the bookstores. A great choice for a midday meet up.

Fair or Amusement Park

Ratchet up the excitement level by riding some cool rides or play some carnival games. This allows for lots of fun and conversation and keeps the heart pumping. Sure, it’s a bit trashy and not very high class but some of the girls on sex dating sites aren’t into class, they are into getting railed instead!

Dancing Lessons

This gives you a couple of advantages. You can bond by learning something new together and learn some great dance moves to impress them at the club. It’s also an activity that be fun and sexual. Not to mention, it requires that you get close to one another. It’s not a physical activity like hitting the gym but it’s enough to work up a sweat for sure!

Picnic in the Park

Go to a nice park and bring some sandwiches, snacks and maybe some wine and have a traditional romantic picnic. This is an oldie but goodie and still just as effective. I’ve had quite a bit of luck with this one. Just make sure you have the bug situation under control.


Take them to play some games, but don’t just make them watch you while you play your favorite video game. Play games both of you can participate in like shooting hoops, Foosball, Ski-ball, or Air Hockey.

Watch a Play

Take them to see a performance or play that fits both your interests. Look up your local event calendar and find a play that is hip and fun or even interactive and show them that you have some culture.

Movie or Drive-in

As far as dating spots are concerned, this one takes the cake! Dinner and a movie are obvious, but Drive-ins are a rapidly disappearing romantic dating spot that you should take advantage of while there are still some left. Who knows, maybe you’ll get some action under your blanket at the drive it!

Wine Tasting

This serves more than one purpose. It’s fun, it’s different, you can show that you have culture and you can both get a little tipsy and let go of your inhibitions.

Art Gallery or Museum

Depending on where you live; there may be some cool museums or art installations in your area. This spot also shows that you have culture and it leaves plenty of room for discussion and flirting.

That’s about as unique as I can get, to be honest. Every idea listed is pretty solid and works for me so they should work for you. Try out a few of the dating spots and let me know if they work for you!

Sleep With Your Milf Teacher By Doing These Things


There are lots of instances where men and young guys are often attracted to teachers. Many milfs that use online hookup sites often list teacher-student fetishes as being one of the main things. It’s common for young boys to fantasize about their female teacher. An experienced older woman represents the epitome of sexual gratification for them. This is mostly just a fantasy, but becomes something totally different when you get to college because sleeping with your teacher is actually a possibility. So, how do you make a crush on your teacher go from fantasy to reality? Here are some tips to help you get her attention and let her know that you are interested without embarrassing yourself. Who knows. She might be attracted to you as well. Here’s how to find out…

hot milf teacher sex tips

How To Successfully Sleep With Your Milf Teacher

Here are some of the best practices that you need to consider if you wish to sleep with that hot milf teacher that’s running your college class.

Sit where you are clearly visible. Choose a seat in the classroom where she can see you clearly, but don’t sit too close or too far away. Sitting too close to her might make her uncomfortable and she won’t be as likely to be accepting of your advances. If you sit too far away, it will appear as if you are up to something.

Be a good (attentive) student. If you want her to respect you as a potential mate; you should respect her as a teacher. Listen to her when she tells you to do something and do your absolute best to complete the work assigned and ace every test she gives to show her that you have been listening to her.

Always be friendly and flirty with her around campus. Don’t confine your interactions with her to the classroom. Every time you see her on campus or in the parking lot, tell her hi and be friendly to her. Don’t necessarily flirt with her. Just show her that you think she’s cool and you like her as a person.

Pay her respectful compliments. This is something you should do with any female you are attracted to. It shows that you are paying attention to them and you like what you see. Remember to be respectful so you won’t come off as a pervert. If she perceives your comments as rude, it could turn her off.

Show her that you are not just (another immature) student. Another thing that you should do with any female that you are attracted to is put your best foot forward. Make an effort to look attractive and fashionable every day that you come to school. Keep your hair groomed and your clothes ironed and try to wear the latest styles without looking like you’re going to a club. The key is to look your best every time she sees you.

Always base your advances on how she reacts to you. Many of these flirting techniques can be done without being obvious and if she doesn’t respond, then no harm, no foul. If she does respond in a positive way, you can step up your advances and make your flirting more obvious. Just be sure not to make it obvious to other students or embarrass her. She will never consider being intimate with you if she is aware that everyone in the school knows about your relationship.

Places To Find A Milf For A One Night Stand


Asking about the best places to find a one night stand used to be a much easier question to answer. There are so many horny milfs running around today, it’s almost as if you can walk into any public building and run into someone looking to fuck. The introduction of the internet and social media has greatly expanded the opportunities for singles to find casual sex. The internet has not only expanded the dating world with sites dedicated to dating or hooking up. It has also become a valuable tool to promote events where casual sex encounters can occur. Let’s go over the best places to find a one night stand starting with the classic methods and ending with the new online methods.

One Night Stand Spots

Best Spots For Finding A Milf For A One Night Stand

Here’s a list of places that you can think about hanging out at if you really want to meet someone for a one night stand.

Bars and Clubs – You can trace human history and see that bars and clubs have been a popular place where singles gather together for many years. This is mainly because of two elements that promote the release of sexual inhibitions. Those elements are alcohol and music. Many people find music to be effective in initiating sexual situations whether it be an overtly sexual song or just sharing the love of a certain song or type of music. It’s instant proof of common interests which can lead to conversation and flirting. Alcohol is possibly the most common tool to release sexual inhibitions and a classic icebreaker. Asking a girl if you can buy her a drink shows that you are interested and helps to loosen her up and make her more willing to accept advances from someone she has never met before.

Concerts or Music Festivals – A great place to find someone to have a one-night stand with is concerts and especially music festivals. I say especially music festivals because you can find other singles with common interests and you also have all day to browse. Everyone at a concert is a little looser than they usually are and they are usually in good spirits and in a good space to comfortably talk to strangers. Icebreakers abound as well as alcohol and other substances that are very effective at bringing people together who are attracted to each other.

Social Media – The most easily accessible online method of finding a one night stand is social media sites like Facebook. You can find potential partners by looking up old flames or acquaintances from your past that might be interested in getting together. You can also meet strangers, but it’s best to look at the friends of your friends. Women are much more likely to start a conversation with you or accept your message request if you have mutual friends.

Online Dating Sites – Perhaps the most effective method of finding a one night stand in the modern world is online dating sites. Many of these sites, such as this one here, can be hooked to your social media account making it easier to find people you know or have a connection with. If you use this method, you should be careful to avoid frauds. Choose a popular site with a good reputation and read reviews and customer testimonials that are separate from the site to verify its validity.

Well, I’m sure you’ll be able to find a few hot milfs one way or another. I’ve been using these same tactics for years and I can promise you that these work like a charm!

How To Tell If A Milf Likes You


There are certain signs that you need to be on the lookout for when on the prowl for milfs. I’ve been in many situations where I find out an older woman in the room has a thing for me and I persue it just because I’m able to identify that. Many other guys haven’t got a clue what to be on the lookout for. This simple rundown should help you get things straight and tell if a hot mature woman really likes you. After all, you need to take advantage of every chance you get to meet someone for sex.

signs milf like you

Signs That A Milf Likes You Enough To Want To Bang

There are a few signals that you need to be on the lookout for when it comes to connecting with milfs in your local area. I’ve spent most of my life trying to identify these signs and have successfully done so!

Facial Expressions

Pay close attention to her face. If she gives you a warm facial expression, then chances are she’s into you. You’ll also want to keep a close eye out for any type of blushing. Mature women do blush at times and it’s a surefire sign that she’s into you. Look for bright red cheeks and more.

Hair Play

If you find a mature woman starts playing with her hair and flipping her hair then that’s a telltale sign that she likes you. It’s a signature move that most women make just to get the attention of a man. Be on the lookout for this type of activity. Sure, you’re likely used to seeing girls in college do this but some other women take the same approach that is much more mature.


If there is a mature woman from across the room and she’s glancing at you on multiple occasions, then you best believe that she is into you. Glancing is a telltale sign that you’re into someone or at least interested in them.

Eye Contact

Straight eye contact means the world. If a hot milf from across the room goes out of her way to make eye contact with you then she likes you and you need to spring into action pronto. There’s no other way around it to be quite honest!

Smiles and Licking

If you find that one of the beautiful mature women across the room is licking their lips and smiling at you, then you need to make a move. That’s a sign that they are interested in you. I can’t explain how important this truly is and what it means really.

Touching Her Body

I’ve also found that hot milfs nearby that are touch themselves seem to have some sort of attraction to an individual. If they are touching themselves even in a non-sexual manner, then you need to be aware of that.

Keep your eyes and ears open 24/7 and if you see a woman doing anything of this nature mentioned above, then you need to attempt to connect with them online immediately. Log into your dating app and find out if they are using the same app that you are. If so, you better try and connect immediately!

Connecting With A Dirty Talking Milf The Right Way


I’ll tell you what, there’s no better feeling than getting into a deep conversation with a dirty talking milf. It’s one of those things that you might be more I used to the more you do it. I was so nervous when I first started getting into web dating and sending messages to local milfs. I thought about it so much, trying to think of the perfect thing to say to her, when in the end I just needed to be myself – witty and funny, charming and confident. You don’t need the best pick-up line or one-liner or clever thing to say, you just need to make her smile and remember you and want to get to know you more. That holds true especially when you’re trying to connect with a milf that loves talking dirty to guys. Remember, you don’t need to talk as filthy as them, but don’t be a stiff either.

dirty milfs

One thing to keep in mind is that it is OK to be a little edgy in your conversation. I’m not saying be a jerk or get into sex talk, but a little playful teasing can be fun and if she’s a cool hot milf, she’ll dish it right back. If there’s something you think may come off wrong, don’t be afraid to throw an emoji at the end, if messaging (perhaps a smile or a wink), to let her know that you’re just joking around with her. Every horny mom likes a guy with a sense of humor, so show her how clever and funny you can be. Some of them yearn for a filthy guy that’s going to talk to them like they’re the nastiest women on this planet. They love it, but not all of them love that type of talk so tread lightly.

The thing that you should avoid at all costs is giving too much information about yourself. She doesn’t want to hear your family or any of that boring shit, just like you don’t want to hear about all her unimportant stuff. It all gets boring, and if you’re both talking to multiple people at the same time (like we all are), then you won’t remember what details belonged to who anyways. Save that kind of stuff for the first date when you meet in person and it’s obvious that you two want to get to know each other. Definitely don’t tell her about your dick, unless it really his huge.

For the online conversation, find some common interests (her bio is a great place to dig for ideas) and talk about those. Both of you are into running? Ask her about the last race she was in? Both are fans of beer or martinis? Ask her what her favorite bar is. This is a great way to segue into asking her out for a date – ask her to show you her favorite bar, or offer to take her out to yours.

Which brings me to my final tip – don’t wait too long to ask her out. You both are looking for a partner, not a pen pal. Once the conversation is flowing nice, go ahead and ask her to meet in person. Have a few fun date ideas on hand to throw out and meet her before someone else asks her out.

Why All Men Should Date A Milf (At Least Once)


I’m a firm believer that all guys should try and date many different types of women. Amongst that category is women that are milfs. I will be giving you a number of valid reasons why I believe all men should date a milf at least once or twice throughout their lifetime. If you are anything like me then you likely want to date milfs 24/7. That’s something that I can completely agree with doing and something that I’m super passionate about. Having spent the last few years dating milfs I meet online, I’ve come to develop a better understanding as to why I like these mature women so much. Here’s a quick rundown of a few reasons why I really think everyone should be trying to date milfs instead of younger girls.

date a milf

Seven Main Reasons Why Every Guy Should Date A Milf

These reasons are in no specific order at all. I’ve come up with the list of reasons myself after going over a few scenarios in my head based on some personal experiences. If you agree or disagree with anything I’ve said below, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I love getting into conversations with people about this type of stuff. Here goes nothing!

They Are Put Together

Most milfs out there in this world have no choice but to be put together. They must have their shit together because they have so much going on in life. Kids, school, work, gym, errands and more! If you meet a milf, there is a good chance that she’s on a strict schedule and have plans and goals. That’s a huge plus for young guys like me. Reason being, they have a life and want you to play a small role in it, that’s it. Quite frankly, I’m just fine with that too.

Don’t Want Anything Serious

These working milfs often do not want anything serious at all. They prefer to keep things casual, loose and easy. This is pretty important and a huge plus because you don’t have to worry about getting too deeply involved with things. Women that are looking for serious relationships can be a pain in the ass. Thankfully you will not find that on Milfplay at all.

No More Kids

Score! You can cum inside one of these naughty milfs and not have to worry about kids at all. Most of these mature women do not want kids because they either have had them already or it’s just not a part of their personal agenda. That’s a great thing for you especially if you’re a young guy simply trying to get balls deep into some mature booty. No one wants to babysit more anyway!

Not An Attention Whore

Not going to lie, I’ve met some attention seeking hoes in my day. Luckily, most of them were not milfs and none were milfs that I met using this milf app. Younger girls in college like attention. They want to be noticed in public. Most milfs don’t really care about that type of stuff. They spend their time staying out of the limelight. Sure, you need to show them your undivided attention in the bedroom but not in public.

No Time For Games

Dating games are for immature people. I’ve never met a hot milf that plays games. Most of them either want to meet for drinks and sex or they don’t have time to spend with you. I sincerely appreciate that they operate like that. Having been through a couple of relationships in college, I know how much of a pain in the ass games truly can be. Most of the time, it’s head games that cause the issues.

Well Experienced

Have you ever been with a milf or an older woman that can literally suction cup your cock while deep inside them? I’m not joking at all. This is something that I’ve gotten accustomed to experiencing and it’s partly because some of these women fuck like pros. It’s because they’ve had sex so much! I love mature pussy, what can I say!

Has (Sexual) Goals Set

Last reason on the list is the goal setting that these milfs tend to do. No, I’m not talking about the number of trips to Starbucks they take per week. I’m talking sex goals. They have goals set to fuck a certain number of guys during the week. They want to go on a specific number of dates and get their pussy licked a certain number of times as well. The goal is simply to orgasm, a lot. What’s not to love about that!

These reasons should be enough for you to want to date a milf. If not, then you might not be into women….just saying!