How To Last Longer In Bed


If you’re dating a milf or any mature woman, then you have no other choice but to understand how to last longer in bed. A lot of men fear pre-ejaculation and their overall performance in bed. They often feel under confident, especially when it comes to lasting longer in bed and having a decent sized penis. While you cannot do anything about your natural size, you can improve your timing in the bed. I know, it’s a subject that doesn’t get talked about all that frequently but one that I feel is a must to discuss when it comes to dating older women.

Once you learn how to control yourself in the bed, size won’t ever matter again. Trust me when I say it is more important to learn how to control your ejaculation and last longer than having a big unit.

Sex can be great for both you and the smoking hot milf that you’re banging if you can delay ejaculating. Learning how to control yourself in bed is great for both of you. Guys who find it hard to keep from coming early are usually unable to satisfy their partners. This results in less sex appeal from the opposite sex. That goes double for mature women.

Last Longer In Bed

Here’s Now To Last Longer In Bed With A Hot Milf

Remember, women need more time to reach orgasm than men. If you have trouble keeping up with your woman, try the following tips to last longer in bed.

Change Your Diet

Did you know that a guy on a vegetarian diet has more chances of lasting longer in bed than other guys who are not on the diet? Your diet plays an important part in making you last a bit longer in bed.

If you are having trouble, try going for a “vegetables only” diet. People on the diet are known to focus more intake of fruit content that provides more stable energy than any other food type. Eating fruit and vegetables mean that your body will be consistently taking energy from them while giving you the much-needed boost. Stay away from any kind of food that gets digested easily and doesn’t offer a sustainable energy source. That means candy bars and other junk food. That stuff is absolute shit for your body and does nothing to help you.  I also recommend that you workout a lot!

Natural Supplements

There are tons of natural supplements available that can help you better control your ejaculation. You can also try Viagra, which is known to help men last longer in bed if you really have a bad problem with E.D. as well. I suggest sticking with the diet change first before jumping into any supplement usage.


Last but not the least, practice…a lot. If you find a hot mature woman that is willing to help out, try practicing by having sex every single night just to try and learn to control your time. If you do not have a partner, a good idea would be to masturbate using adult sex toys to control your time. This may sound funny but it actually works pretty good.

Well, those are my tips for trying to last longer in bed. It should be pretty easy for you to control your orgasms after about a week or two.

How To Dress To Get More Women To Notice You


How you dress and what you wear in your dating profile does matter. It may not seem like it matters much but I promise you that it does. If you want to attract more women then you need to know exactly how to dress in order to do so. That’s right. You’ve got to avoid some common mistakes if you want to be successful when it comes to dating.

how to dress

How To Dress To Get More Women To Notice You

Here’s how to dress and what to avoid wearing if you want to get noticed in your dating profile.

Don’t Wear A Suit

I don’t want you heading to the dry cleaners to get your suit dry cleaned. Save your money! According to Askmen, “22% of men wear suits in their Tinder profiles.” That’s absolutely ridiculous given that it’s a dating website. You’re not going on a job interview, just trying to find someone to hookup with. Don’t be a douchebag, lose the damn suit!

Don’t Wear Neutral Colors

Neutral colors are great in concept but wearing neutral colors isn’t going to help you stand out. According to a recent study, “73% of men wear neutral colors in their profile pictures.” Do you think this helps or hurts you? Well, notice how more people that go against the grain get noticed more? That’s because they do. I’d suggest that you stay away from neutral colors.

Lose The Blue Shirt

I had a blue shirt that I loved. It was a button down shirt and I would wear it almost weekly. Guess what, every time I wore it I never met women. That’s because it’s so fucking typical that women just pay no mind to guys dressing like this. Posting a photo of you wearing a typical blue button down shirt isn’t going to get you laid, ever. You need to through some color into the mix here and do something that’s a bit different.

Wear Accessories

Women notice guys with nice accessories. No, I’m not telling you to start wearing a bunch of jewelry. I’m telling you to simply start incorporating some high-quality accessories to your wardrobe. That goes especially if you’re trying to meet a milf. They will notice a nice expensive watch on your wrist. That’s all you need. Maybe some nice shoes as well.

That should put you in the right direction when it comes to dressing for dating online.

What To Do After A Break up


what to do after a break up

The reason we get back into the dating game most likely is because we break up with someone right? Of course it is. Either that of you plan on simply cheating on your partner and you just want to find someone to hookup with on the side. Anyway, if you’ve just ended a relationship, then there are certain steps to take.

A List Of Things To Do After A Break up

Here’s a list of things that you absolutely must do after you break up with someone. These things are not optional as far as I’m concerned.

Get Off Of Social Media
For starters, step the fuck back from Facebook and Twitter. I know you want to play stalker online through the social media channels but that’s not an option. Instead, you need to stay away from it all. No one gives a shit what you’re doing on social media and you shouldn’t care what they’re doing either. It just causes headaches if you’re focusing too much on what your ex is up to these days. Just back the heck off!

Erase The Number
This one is painful but you need to do it. You need to erase your ex’s number from your phone immediately. It allows you to detach from them for good. Don’t worry, if you ever get back together and you need the number you can come up with an excuse for losing it. For now, erase it. Out of sight, out of mind now!

Start Dating Again
This one is easy, you’ve got to start playing the field again. Get back out there and start dating immediately. I’m not saying to get setup either. I’m talking about you joining a dating site, putting yourself out there and going on dates with new people. Heck, you may even meet someone that just wants to fuck on the regular if you’re lucky!

Focus On Getting In Shape
Breakups are perfect reasons to focus on getting in the best shape of your life. It’s a chance to get in shape and start living again. There’s a number of reasons why you would want to get in shape but it’s about sparking that mind-body balance that makes a difference. Just go for a run, join a gym or do something every single day to physically better yourself. Who knows, you may even meet some horny fit milf at the gym that’s just looking to smash.

Doing all of this will allow you to start living again and that means that you’re going to finally start getting laid again! Enjoy and go get
’em tiger!

Things To Text A Milf You Want To Bang


So you have finally found a hot milf you really want to get to know and she has also given you her number. This is a clear indication that she’s somewhat interested in you and that the ball is in your court to text here. I’m going to share some tips with you that should help you determine what you should and should text a milf. It’s important that you take the right steps here to really keep things going in the right direction when you’re texting her.

text a milf

Tips On How To Text A Milf

Now the hard work is done, you’ve gotten her number but now what do you do next? It’s very simple, make her laugh or smile as much as you can over the text messages that you send. Doing so will give the hot milf more of a reason to so-called “fall for you” or even just want to have sex with you. Before you know it, you’ll be fucking her in a hotel room in no time. But let’s get down to brass tacks before we get ahead of ourselves here.

The key to winning any milf over is to text her funny things in moderation. But by funny things, don’t settle for pre-made pickup lines or text message examples that are already online. Copy-pasting these text messages is a no-go because there is a huge chance someone else has already messaged her that particular funny text before. If you send the same stupid line, you’re not getting laid. I can promise you that.

If you really want to score big with the hot milf you’re trying to bang, be original. You can alter the pre-made funny texts found all over the internet and give them a personal touch of your own. However, you should never use the same boring shit that’s all over the internet.

It is very important to keep her interested but also not show her that you are desperate. So whenever you are about to start a conversation with her, go for a funny text altered with your own personality and that should do the job. Trust me, looking in need is the worst thing you can possibly do!

You should also occasionally flirt with her in a funny way. For example, find the cheapest and cheesiest pick up line on the internet and send it to her but then immediately come back telling her that you knew how cheesy that was. You can also send her funny pics and emojis if you think it’s safe to take that route. You don’t want to seem like all you do is surf online though so don’t send too many pics or memes.

Another approach is to share a funny story you have experienced and if you have pics of it feel free to send them her way. You can also make up a funny story but we don’t recommend doing that because there is always a chance she might find the truth later.

If you go to work every day, you can message her something funny that happened that day that will cheer her day. If you do it well, she will be into you and will appropriately respond. If she starts responding to your text messages every time you text her, you will know that you have won the texting battle. Your job at that point is to line up a time and place to go on a date.

From there on out it’s a matter of trying to get her to fuck you! One final thing I want to stress is that you should never text a milf a picture of your dick unless she asks for it! Things can go really south if you do and she doesn’t welcome it.

Verdict: Texting A Milf Is Easy

See, texting a milf is pretty much simple. If you’re looking to text and connect in hopes of eventually meeting in person, then these tips are all that you need. Don’t be afraid to bust out a funny story or two as I’ve suggested above. Things are likely to go well if you simply take my advice.

How To Have A Successful NSA Relationship With A Milf


I love having NSA relationships with as many people as I can. It’s something that’s fun and it literally makes dating a whole heck fo a lot easier when you’re only in it for the sex. If you’re dating a milf and you want to have an NSA relationship with them, then I suggest you check out some of the tips I’ve provided below.

nsa relationship tips

NSA Relationship Rules With A Milf

Here are a few rules that you must follow if you want to have an NSA relationship with a super sexy milf.

Be Open and Honest
This might be the most important tip I can share with you. You’ve got to be absolutely open with one another and honest. If you’re not, things could take a turn for the worst. It’s not all that uncommon for someone to start dating a hot milf and lie to them. I always believe that honesty is the best policy when it comes to dating.

Be Specific
If you’re trying to get into a no string attached relationship with some horny mature woman, make sure you’re specific with her about what it is that you want. She’ll likely want the same and you’ll both be each others go to partners for sex and that’s it. But in order to make that happen, you need to be specific with the milf you’re dating.

Make Sure It’s Mutual
It’s important that both parties realize that they each want something similar. In this case, you need to each just want to fuck each other and go on with your normal lives. If one person isn’t down with that, then you’re going to find yourself in a bad situation and eventually not getting laid.

Control Your Feelings
It’s important that you not let your feelings get the best of you. That means, not getting emotional or upset if you find out the milf you’re dating is having sex with someone else. Just don’t do it! You’ll ruin things with the milf and that will be the end of it for you.

Well, it doesn’t get any clearer than that right! I love having these NSA relationships with milfs I meet online. Most are down for this type of thing and it’s awesome to have these types of relationships developed with the women. Try and get a few going yourself. You won’t be sorry I promise! In fact, I suggest that you join Milfplay if you’re not already a member. There are plenty of women looking to only bang on the site.

What Do Mature Women Find Attractive


Women are far more emotional than men and they usually find a lot of other things attractive in men other than their appearance. This is especially true for mature women and milfs of all kinds. If you are wondering what mature women find attractive about men, you have come to the right place. I’ve decided to share some insight with you to give you an idea of what really can turn a woman on!

I’ve spoken with different women to find out what really attracts them to a man and I was surprised to hear what they had to say. I’m sure you will be surprised to hear what some of them had to say as well. Don’t forget, I’m an expert when it comes to attracting naughty milfs. Listen up and listen good!

Things Mature Women Find Attractive

Things Mature Women Find Attractive In Men

The general rule about attracting a female is not just having good looks, it’s much more than that. Keep reading below to find out what women find to be the most attractive qualities.

Guys That Stand By Them
I know, it sounds a bit cheesy, especially since this is a casual dating blog, but women find a man very attractive if he “stays with them” so to speak. The key here is to do this honestly and not make it seem like you’re putting on a show for her. If you take her out some place on a date and you’re being super nice especially to her or if she thinks you’re putting on an act to portray yourself as being different in front of her than you actually are, she will probably lose interest in you.

Try your best to be yourself in front of the woman you want to hookup with and watch how much quicker she becomes attracted to you. Being fake AF is something no one likes and it’s not going to get you laid.

Listening Good
One thing mature women find attractive is a good listener. Mature women love men who can quietly listen to what they have to say and occasionally talk back and carry the conversation. When she is talking to you about something, make sure you carefully listen to what she has to say and talk back to her from time to time.

Just don’t become an advice giving machine throughout the conversation. Listen to her, talk her back and give a bit of advice but don’t overdo it. Most importantly here, don’t over extend a strong opinion. Some women are easily offended and if you say the wrong thing your not getting fucked that night.

Have A Few Hobbies
This is a weird one but is true. At least for most of the women that I know. Women like the fact that a man has hobbies, no matter what they are. She also surprisingly likes listening to you talk about your favorite hobbies. It goes to show that you can be passionate about something and it might mean you’re also passionate in the bedroom. If you both share the same hobby , then you will be surprised how much more attractive you will be to her. This worked very much in my favor on one date. I’m an avid hiker and I met a smoking hot milf that liked hiking too. We had sex mid hike on our first date. It was crazy.

Dress To Impress and For Success
Women love a man who knows how to dress well. By a man we mean actually wearing stuff that real men wear. Stuff like a good buttoned down collared shirt with a nice jacket and a pair of well-pressed pants will do the trick. They also are attracted to men that accessorize well. It makes a difference so do so and go high end if you can.

Your shoes also play a super huge role in your attire so never ignore them. Just don’t wear sneakers in front of woman because she really doesn’t like and it gives a feeling of dating a teenager. Go with simple shoes that complement your dressing.

That about sums things up. Those things mentioned, in my opinion are the things that mature women find attractive in men!

Why I Love Dating Fit Milf In My Area


I absolutely love dating a fit milf. The ones that work out like crazy and love to have fun. I get turned on thinking about milfs working out. Honestly, there’s not another type of woman that I would prefer to date other than a hot milf that likes to attend gym classes like it’s her job. Here’s a list of reasons why I love dating super fit milfs and why you should too!

Local fit milf taking a selfie

A fit milf is the best kind to date!

Reasons I Like To Date A Fit Milf

I’ll be as straight and to the point as possible here as to why I date fit mature women. Here goes nothing…

Hot Bodies

A fit milf has a better body than most women that you will ever meet. I’m taking the perfect physique! There’s something to be said about a smoking hot milf with curves, a gorgeous booty, and a flat stomach.

It makes me just want to find one to bang as quickly as possible. If you’ve ever gawked at the older cougar on the treadmill that looks like she could kick the shit out of you and you’d still be attracted to her then you know who I’m referring to.

Fit Milfs They Have Energy

Fitness moms have energy and lots of it. There’s no reason why they can’t accomplish everything because they have so much of it. It can be a bit much sometimes but the energy that one can feed off of them is incredible. I love mature women with energy and a fit milf is one that can contend with the likes of many.

They Love Sex
Women in shape love to have sex. Funny thing is, so do I! I always read individuals’ profiles online before I message them and I do this to find out if they’re in shape.

If they are, there’s a good chance that they will get things done in the bedroom that you’ve never had done to you before. I met a fitness chick on a dating website and she could do things with her mouth and body that I thought was impossible.

They Fuck For Days

This reason kind of goes with the reason mentioned above but when it comes to banging, women can fuck for days, literally. I’m not joking either.

Especially those in their mid to late 30s and 40s. They love banging and will basically do anything they can to keep you in the bed getting after it. At least, that’s my experience with things.

They Are Flexible

What’s better than having sex with someone that can bend themselves into a pretzel? Guess what, fit milfs can do this and they do so on a daily basis. I’ve seen it in my yoga classes even.

Fun To Be Seen With

Last but not least, the final reason I like dating a milf that’s into fitness is that they are fun to be seen in public with. I got out on dates with these milfs and a lot of these women that work out, especially where I live will turn heads because they are so damn hot.

Most of them are not only hot but they are in fact actually fun to be around even if I only make it through the first date with them. However, chances are that I will have sex with them. That’s just how I roll.

Conclusion: Fit Milfs Are The Best Of Them All

Look, there is absolutely no other way to state this other than coming out and saying – fit milfs are better than unfit ones. Simple as that. They are all-around better and more enjoyable. You’ll never find a horny mom out of shape who is more fun to hook up with versus a super fit horny mom. If you think otherwise, I’d love to hear why.

Overcoming The First Date Jitters


First date jitters can be a problem for a lot of people. Whether it’s a serious relationship you’re looking for or just good old fashioned sex, it’s still something we all have to deal with. Fear not, though, I have a few tips on how one can overcome the first date jitters that most have!

first date jitters

Devoid Yourself From The First Date Jitters

Pay close attention to this list and do as I say because it does make a huge difference. I get the first date jitters every single time I go out on a date with a hot milf and you will too. You just need to know what to do to overcome them.

Tell Yourself
Step one is talking to yourself. So many of else tell ourselves that we can’t do things and what a shocker, we end up not being able to do things. If you want to overcome the fear, you’ve got to tell yourself that you can do it. Simple as that really! Just tell yourself in the mirror that you are going to have a great first date and maybe even bang this naughty mature milf you’re set to meet in a few hours.

Take Ownership
Another great way to get rid of the jitters is to take ownership of it. Be truthful with yourself and realize that you have the jitters. Don’t try and act like a badass and make it seem like you’re not nervous. Just own up to being nervous so you can get to the root of the issue and actually solve it.

This one is super important. The most successful people I know are focusers. They have the ability to focus on something and make so many things happen while doing so that it’s insane. You’ll want to find a way to focus on the upcoming date and things will be fine.

Be Real
This tip is more helpful during the date versus in preparation but it’s still important. Don’t try and be fake. You must be real if you want to lose the jitters. Showing some hot milf something that you’re not is only going to make it more difficult for you in the future. You’ll constantly be digging yourself a hole taking that approach that you will eventually have to worry about having it cave in.

Keep It Fun
Don’t be uptight at all. Just keep things fun and you’ll be fine. The reason we go on dates is to have fun and get laid. Simple as that really. If you keep it fun you’ll have fun! Plain and simple!

I hope these tips help you and please don’t forget who shared them with you when you’re going deep in some hot milf! LOL

Places To Take Milfs On A Casual Date


If you’re just now getting a start at dating milfs in your local area and you’re used to dating much younger women then you have some adjustments to make when planning a casual date. The same rules do not apply. You need to know where to take a milf if you want to get laid at the end of the evening.

milf casual date spots

Places To Go On A Casual Date With A Milf

Forget everything you know about going on dates with college girls. The rules have changed and if you want to get laid on a date with a hot milf, you should choose one of the following types of places to take her.

A Martini Bar
This is probably the best place to take a local MILF on a casual date if you want to get laid. Women love dressing up sexy and going out for martini’s. It’s no secret and the little effort and money spent at the martini bar can get her loose enough to want to bang.  Work on impressing her, and the rest will fall into suit.

A Steakhouse
If you’re looking to really impress a sexy milf, then I suggest looking into a high-end steakhouse as a dating option. She’ll really appreciate this and see that you’re not afraid to spend your money. Just make sure she doesn’t eat too much.

Comedy Show
A comedy show is a great option for those that want to loosen up and laugh. You can really see what drives someone by taking them on a date to a comedy show. Just be sure not to sit too close to the front or you’ll be the joke of the show.

Hotel Lobby Bar
If you live close by a high-class hotel then the lobby bar is a fantastic choice if you’re looking both have some drinks and perhaps have some fun up in a hotel room as well.

Avoid The Movies
I wanted to be sure to add this one to make sure that you avoid it. It’s perhaps the worst thing you can possibly do in terms of taking a milf on a casual date. You’re not getting laid after the movies. I can guarantee it. Stay the F away from the theater. It’s too quite and you’re not in high school so you won’t be getting to third base with a local hot milf.

How To Impress A Woman You Want


So you started dating and you want to know how to impress a woman, right? Sure you do! Impressing a mature woman is not as difficult as it seems. If you want to get laid then you absolutely have to know how to impress a woman in order to get her to have sex with you. It’s as simple as that really. I’ve been with so many of them that I’ve learned a thing or two and I’m going to get straight down to business here by sharing only the most important tips when it comes to impressing mature women.

how to impress a woman

Here’s How To Impress A Woman You Want To Bang

I’ll keep this short but sweet. Here are four things you must know when it comes to impressing a milf or woman that’s older than you. Read carefully and let me know if you have any questions.

Make The First Move
make the first move
Most women like men that aren’t afraid to make the first move. Whether you’re trying to date a local milf or a cougar that you’ve just happened to run into, you need to make the first move. Mature women love young men that aren’t afraid to make moves and get what they want. This also applies if you are using a dating site to meet women.

Don’t Ever Chase Too Hard
dont chase women
Meeting a milf and establishing a connection is one thing. On the other hand, if you try to hard you’re going to look like a fool. Chasing is perhaps the most unimpressive thing that anyone can do if they want to attract someone. When you meet someone online and they don’t counter you then leave it be. I must stress that chasing a woman will not impress her at all. Don’t even try it!

Leave Her Guessing
keep her guessing
Another thing that I learned about dating milfs and trying to impress an older woman is to always keep them guessing. Don’t play too many games but never lay your cards on the table. Doing so is likely to cost you to lose the hand if you know what I mean. A woman likes to be intrigued and she doesn’t want to know everything even if she tells you she does. It takes the excitement out of dating and sparks go dull. You must feed her information slowly and leave her wondering what else is there about you that she likes.

Be A Polite Respectful Guy
be a gentleman
My mother always taught me to be respectful to women. I’m always conscientious about being as polite and respectful to all women, even those that I meet on milf dating sites that just want sex. There’s nothing more impressive to a woman than meeting a polite guy that can really fuck their brains out. They absolutely love it.

Stay In Control
be in control
A surefire way to not impress a woman is getting ridiculously out of control. If you’re trying to impress a mature woman, your best bet would be to stay in control and not get too wasted on a date or anything of that nature. She is more willing to hook up with a guy that she knows will be in the best shape to drive her to orgasm.

Honestly, I kept his article relatively short because I don’t want you to think too much. Just focus on following the rules that I’ve provided and you should have no trouble impressing a girl. Try my approach to impressing one on this milf dating site and like yourself up some milf sex before the weekend.

Also, if you missed my first tip for success in dating older women, make sure you read it on this page.  It’s a good read and may change your mindset.